I brought Spicy kitty home today. He has a couple of broken ribs, is bruised and limping, but he is alive and it looks like he will pull through. I never thought he could survive being hit by a car, but his lungs and diaphragm did not get punctured by the broken ribs, though it was close. It's hard for me to let him do as he pleases and just monitor him so that none of the other guys bother him like the doc says, plus give him his medicine. His clowder-mates all came to him individually and sniffed him all over. Neither dog has paid him any attention, but they never do. He's an easy going cat, the most timid, doesn't bother anyone, doesn't like to be bothered. Can't fight worth a damn. I just had him in the hospital a few months ago after he was beaten up by a mean old stray that hangs about. He's now a $500 kitty, one of three son's of the once feral stray I was just trying to capture to get fixed before she had another tragically fated litter like the one she'd had only months before. Alas, it took longer to tame her than it did for her to get pregnant again.
I should have put the clamp down on them all after that fight, but they had all adapted and made friends with the other neighborhood cats, and there hadn't been any fights for quite a while. I'm trying to get them to accept staying inside now. I might win if they don't tear the house down first. I just think it diminishes their quality of life.
Living on a dead end street, who would think that an asshole would be driving so fast that he could hit two cats at once, unless he meant to, and he probably did. It's really hard not to hate people sometimes.
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America's Least Wanted, too.
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