You know, when I was young, stupid, and naive, I used to be a big "ban the gun" advocate. That was back when I thought, naively again, that there was no real need for the second amendment anymore because we were an established democracy and there would never come another time when we would have need to protect ourselves from an oppressive government.
That was before Bush.
Before our military was being trained to subdue civil insurrection within our borders. Before the executive branch was given the power to call up the National Guard to suppress U.S. citizens within state borders against the wishes of state government. Before U.S. citizens could be arrested and tortured without benefit of habeas corpus.
This ad appears in the U.K. who has adopted similar measures against it's citizens. I wonder how long before a move will be made to take away not only our guns, but our swiss army knives. I know, I know. Ridiculous. But, that's what I used to think about a citizens right to bear arms, too.
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