Democrat and Independent Thinker..."The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." -Nietzsche

Commenting on many things, including..."A government more dangerous to our liberty, than is the enemy it claims to protect us from." - Keith Olbermann

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Strength, thy NAME is WOMAN

OK, now I'm pissed. I was surfing around, just to find, as usual, the same takes on the same stories on every liberal blog on the blogosphere....boring! Then a little something caught my eye. Now, it's certainly not what I'd call spectacular, but it stuck in my craw.

I'm on the fence about Hillary Clinton. I haven't made up my mind about her. I'm waiting to hear what she campaigns on. Being a Senator representing your district is a whole other kettle of fish than President, so I'm not going to judge her yet. I'll hold an open mind.

But, when I read this drivel over at Freakonomics blog, it sent me over the edge.

Why do women seem to be floundering? Democratic officials, according to Edsall, have a “working hypothesis,” which is that “female candidates were more vulnerable on the issue of immigration, viewed as more generous with federal aid and amnesty.” Also, it’s suggested that women aren’t tough enough to handle terrorism. Women, in other words, are seen as being too nice. (my emphasis)

Which all suggests that Hillary Clinton’s public persona—a lot of strength and only a little warmth—is calculated to negate an electoral bias against niceness. And it seems to be working. “Her campaign,” Edsall writes, “released a memo with recent data showing that 68 percent of voters describe Hillary as ‘a strong leader,’ and that 92 percent say they would vote for a woman for president — up from 52 percent in a similar poll in 1955.”

Are you freakin' kidding me? Is there really one person out there who really thinks women are "too nice" to govern? Allow me to illustrate, in no particular order:

Elizabeth I, Queen of England
Catherine the Great, Empress of Russia
Deborah of the Hebrews
Zenobia, Arabian Queen of Palmyria

savagely attacked Egypt, taking advantage that the Roman Empire was hard-pressed in Northern Italy by the Goths. By 269, she had secured most of the country; at the same time, Zenobia annexed most of Syria to her kingdom. Within a few years of taking control, she had carved out a vast empire for formerly tiny Palmyra; from Egypt in the south to the Bosphorus in the north. She then declared herself formally independent of Rome.

the political and military ruler of the Mercians. She built fortresses in western Mercia as defense against invading and occupying Danes. Aethelflaed led her forces against the Danes at Derby and captured it, and then defeated them at Leicester. Aethelflaed even invaded Wales.

ruled over the Halicarnassians, the men of Cos, of Nisyrus, and of Calydna; and the five triremes which she furnished to the Persians were, next to the Sidonian, the most famous ships in the fleet

Eleanor of Acquitaine
Boudicca of the Iceni, England
Queen Victoria of England
Amalasuntha, Queen of the Ostrogoths
Theodora, empress of Byzantium from 527-548
Amina, Queen of Nigeria
great military leader, Amina brought most of the other Hausaland city-states into her orbit, and is credited with encouraging them to surround themselves with huge defensive mud walls. She also opened up trade routes to the south

Catherine de Medici
Mary, Queen of Scots
Indira Gandhi
Joan of Arc
Tomyris, Queen of the Massagetai, who defeated and killed Cyrus of Persia
Empress Suiko of Japan
Queen Brunhilde
waged 40 years of war agains Queen Fredegund (both Frankish)

Queen Isabella I of Spain
Golda Meir
Mbande Nzinga, Queen of Angola
organized a powerful guerrilla army, conquered the Matamba, and developed alliances to control the slave routes. She even allied with the Dutch, who helped her stop the Portuguese advancement. After a series of decisive setbacks, Nzinga negotiated a peace treaty with the Portuguese, but still refused to pay tribute to the Portuguese king.

Mary of Guise
Olga of Russia
Empress Wu Zetian, China, Tang Dynasty
Margaret Thatcher

Plus, all of these elected Heads of State and Government since 1900

I mean, really. Women are too nice to govern? Women are too soft to fight terrorists? Puh-leeze. Women led the Goths and Visigoths and Celtics and defeated Roman Armies. A woman defeated Cyrus of Persia, searched the battleground for his dead body, cut his head off, drained blood from the body, and soaked his head in it. A woman took Egypt and Syria, and dared the Romans to try to take it from her. It's about time that women's place in history is acknowledged, don't you think? I mean, after all, the first legendary woman ruler was
Ca. 4530-3240 Legendary Queen Eyleuka of Ethiopia

Also known as Dalukaha, and according to legend she was one of the rulers before the Antediluvian (the flooding). She succeeded king Borsa, who had ruled for 67 years, and she ruled for 45 years.

Don't you think that 6536 years later, the American people might deign to elect a woman president?

1 comment:

Judith Weingarten said...

Zenobia was a great ruler as well as a fighter, and it had nothing to do with 'niceness'. If you want to know her full story, see my Chronicle of Zenobia: the Rebel Queen. And visit my website: