Democrat and Independent Thinker..."The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." -Nietzsche

Commenting on many things, including..."A government more dangerous to our liberty, than is the enemy it claims to protect us from." - Keith Olbermann

Sunday, March 11, 2007

This. Is. Me.

Update: Of course, why wouldn't I say it was? Being in the same 1% of humanity as Einstein, Socrates, and Blaise Pascal is a real head rush. The really hilarious thing is that I checked once and found that my so-called IQ is supposedly like way above Einstein's was estimated to be. Either my test grader was drunk or Einstein's "estimater" was stoned. I did retest on the 'puter once about three years ago. It was lower, on par with The Great Genius, and I was put in the top 1% quintile of humanity or whatever that shit is... I don't put much weight in that IQ doodie... it's probably skewed seven ways from heaven, but this Jung dude seems to have had it going on. At least now I know why I have no concept of money, have to get mommy's help to figure out how to pay my bills, and can't find a thing if it's not out in plain sight. As a matter of fact, I'm quite sure that nothing exists if I can't see it, even if I know for a fact that it's in a box somewhere in that big room of boxes I haven't unpacked since I moved almost a year ago. It will reassemble itself from it's scattered molecules when it falls once again into my line of vision. Heh.

Of all the descriptions of my personality type, this is my favorite. It is the most concise. This. Is. Me.

The mind of an INTP is both a finely-honed analytical tool and a playground of ideas. Its strongest function is introverted Thinking, which is supported by extroverted iNtuition. In other words, INTPs interact with the outer world intuitively, observing the big picture and its implications. They use their introverted T to process this information logically and abstractly, analyzing new ideas until they understand every aspect. Starting with only a vague intuition, an INTP can construct a whole new world of ideas.

As an analytical tool, the INTP mind excels at solving problems and designing systems. It uses logic like a sword, slashing out irrelevant information and cutting straight to the heart of a problem. INTPs have an innate dislike of redundancy and imprecision. Their primary weakness is likely to be a tendency to overlook or become impatient with details. Details are annoying consequences of the imperfect "real" world; INTPs prefer to focus on the ideal world of intellectual constructs. INTPs enjoy playing with ideas and may enjoy arguing for fun. They are happiest when they are involved in discovering the intricacies and elegance of a complex system. They seek out natural laws and underlying principles from which they can build inventive theoretical models. When involved in these analytical and intuitive activities, they can produce ideas of startling creative brilliance.

INTPs can be successful in many fields, and may find themselves hopping from job to job as interest in different areas of knowledge wanes and waxes. The ideal jobs for INTPs are ones that
* require analysis of global concepts rather than a focus on details
* involve interaction with few people rather than many
* provide the opportunity to work on a series of new and interesting problems rather than to see one project through from beginning to end
* allow them to use their minds creatively without worrying about the practical application of the ideas they develop.

INTPs also tend to work best if they are not over-burdened with rules and regulations and are free to express the more creative aspects of their thinking. They have an intense need for competence in whatever job they are doing, but they do not usually feel the need to demonstrate this competence to others. As a result, the extent of their abilities is not always recognized. Indeed, they don't need to receive a great deal of praise from others and may even be embarrassed by it.

While INTPs are unlikely to have difficulty with the intellectual aspects of a job, they may find that the same qualities that help them excel in understanding ideas sometimes lead to friction with coworkers. Others may interpret INTPs' deep concentration and need for solitude as unfriendliness or even snobbishness. INTPs excel in critical thinking and will often point out flaws in others' logic. Others may see this as arrogance and may react with anger and defensiveness. If INTPs are able to express approval and appreciation of others' work, they will find that office interactions go more smoothly. INTPs are generally fair, objective, and adaptable coworkers. They challenge others so that all may become more competent. They enjoy working with people who are intelligent and intuitive.

Relationships generally do not come easily to INTPs, although they can be faithful and devoted friends and mates who can be adaptable and easy to live with. Their introversion may prevent them from having an active social life, which they are not likely to regret most of the time. They may also forget or ignore social conventions, not feeling bound by the "illogical" rules of society. To an observer, INTPs can seem emotionally cold and overly critical. From the INTPs' perspective, they are simply applying logical principles to their own behavior and to the behavior of others. If they criticize, it is only to correct what they see as an inconsistency or flaw in logic. They intend to be objective, not hurtful. Because INTPs focus on what is logical, they have a tendency to be unaware of or to dismiss their own feelings and the feelings of others. They are likely to be genuinely surprised when their loved ones complain of feeling "taken for granted" or neglected. They can be insensitive to what other people want or expect from a relationship. However, people who do get to know INTPs more closely will probably find the experience to be very rewarding. While many INTPs have a very cynical side, they can also display a childlike sense of wonder and interest in new ideas. They usually have a good sense of humor that ranges from dry subtlety to impish playfulness.

By developing a stronger awareness of feelings and increasing their comfort with them, INTPs can add a new layer of richness to their lives. Their feelings are usually hidden but can run very deep. This depth, combined with the illogical nature of feelings, can make it very difficult for INTPs to express their feelings verbally. However, they will find it rewarding to discover and pursue what is emotionally important to them rather than only what is logical. For the INTP, the Feeling function is closely linked with the unconscious and is a source of creativity.

In Psychological Types, Jung describes the most difficult challenge introverted thinkers face: preserving the integrity of their mental lives while not becoming too isolated from the outside world. It is easy for INTPs to become bitter and angry when others misunderstand their ideas and personality traits. They may see this misunderstanding as "proof of the abysmal stupidity of man." The INTPs' response may be to become critical, unapproachable, and even overly emotional and touchy, which leads to further isolation from other people and from the world. Jung cautions that while this isolation may seem protective, it has its own dangers. It leaves INTPs vulnerable to attacks from their own unconscious minds. This inner conflict can lead to depression and to a tendency to expend too much energy fighting unimportant battles. However, this outcome is certainly not inevitable. By developing their weaker Sensing and Feeling functions over time and by holding on to the more light-hearted aspects of their personalities, INTPs can more fully experience and express the considerable potentials of their minds.

7/27/98 -- Amy Elmore, MA Clinical

So. Is. This. BUT, as I've grown older, I've come to appreciate other people, mostly and especially other people who I love, and I have worked hard to be more sensitive and understanding and empathetic to them. They love me back so I must be doing okay.

Portrait of an INTP:

Copyrighted © 1984 Gnoslogy Books Ltd.

INTPs exhibit the greatest precision in thought and language of all the types; they tend to see distinctions and inconsistencies in thought and language instantaneously. The one word which captures the unique style of INTPs is architect--the architect of ideas and systems as well as the architect of edifices. This type is found in only 1 percent of the population and therefore is not encountered as frequently as some of the other types.

INTPs detect contradictions in statements no matter how distant in space or time the contradictory statements were produced. The intellectual scanning of INTPs has a principled quality; that is, INTPs search for whatever is relevant and pertinent to the issue at hand. Consequently, INTPs can concentrate better than any other type.

Authority derived from office, position, or wide acceptance does not impress INTPs. Only statements that are logical and coherent carry weight. External authority per se is irrelevant. INTPs abhor redundancy and incoherence. Possessing a desire to understand the universe, an INTP is constantly looking for natural law. Curiosity concerning these keys to the universe is a driving force in this type.

INTPs prize intelligence in themselves and in others, but can become intellectual dilletantes as a result of their need to amass ideas, principles, or understanding of behavior. And once they know something, it is remembered. INTPs can become obsessed with analysis. Once caught up in a thought process, that thought process seems to have a will of its own for INTPs, and they persevere until the issue is comprehended in all its complexity. They can be intellectual snobs and may show impatience at times with others less endowed intellectually. This quality, INTPs find, generates hostility and defensive behaviors on the part of others, who may describe an INTP as arrogant.

For INTPs, the world exits primarily to be understood. Reality is trivial, a mere arena for proving ideas. It is essential that the universe is understood and that whatever is stated about the universe is stated correctly, with coherence and without redundancy. This is the INTP's final purpose. It matters not whether others understand or accept his or her truths.

The INTP is the logician, the mathematician, the philosopher, the scientist; any pursuit requiring architecture of ideas intrigues this type. INTPs should not, however, be asked to work out the implementation or application of their models to the real world. The INTP is the architect of a system and leaves it to others to be the builder and the applicator. Very often, therefore, the INTP's work is not credited to him or her. The builder and the applier gains fame and fortune, while the INTP's name remains obscure. Appreciation of an INTP's theoretical work frequently comes posthumously--or the work may never be removed from library shelves at all and thus lost.

INTPs tend not to be writers or to go into sales work. They are, however, often excellent teachers, particularly for advanced students, although INTPs do not always enjoy much popularity, for they can be hard taskmasters. They are not good at clerical tasks and are impatient with routine details. They prefer to work quietly, without interruption, and often alone. If an organization is to use the talents of an INTP appropriately, the INTP must be given an efficient support staff who can capture ideas as they emerge and before the INTP loses interest and turns to another idea.

INTPs take their mating relationship seriously and usually are faithful and devoted--albeit preoccupied at times. They are not likely to welcome constant social activity or disorganization in the home. In all probability, the mate of an INTP will initiate and manage the social life. If left to his or her own devices, the INTP mate will retreat into the world of books and emerge only when physical needs become imperative. INTPs are, however, willing, compliant, and easy to live with, although somewhat forgetful of appointments, anniversaries, and the rituals of daily living--unless reminded. They may have difficulty expressing their emotions verbally, and the mate of an INTP may believe that he/she is somewhat taken for granted. As a parent, the INTP is devoted; they enjoy children, and are serious about their upbringing. The home of an INTP parent is usually calm, low-key in discipline, but well run and ordered.

INTPs deal with the environment primarily through intuition, and their strongest quality, the thinking function, remains relatively hidden except in close associations. Therefore, INTPs are often misunderstood, seen as difficult to know, and seldom perceived at their true level of competency. They are inclined to be shy except when with close friends, and their reserve is difficult to penetrate. They are very adaptable until one of their principles is violated. Then INTPs are not adaptable at all! They may have difficulty in being understood by others because they tend to think in a complicated fashion and want to be precise, never redundant in their communications. Because their feeling qualities may be underdeveloped, they may be insensitive to the wants and wishes of others, often quite unaware of the existence of these wants and wishes.

1 comment:

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